Office: 205.623.5016

“Identity is cause;
brand is effect.”
Larry Ackerman
Looking out into the world today, it’s easy to see why brands are more important now than at any time in the past 100 years. Brands are psychology and science brought together as a promise mark as opposed to a trademark. Products have life cycles. Brands outlive products. Brands convey a uniform quality, credibility and experience. Brands are valuable. Many companies put the value of their brand on their balance sheet.
We will create a complete Corporate Identity for your business. We’ll kit you out with everything you need in 3 weeks or less..
This will include:
Business Card Design
Luxury business cards
Marketing Materials Design (Brochure, Flyers, Rack Cards)
50 Marketing Materials (Brochure, Flyers, Rack Cards)
Domain name
Creative Writing for all pages
Images for website
Website Design
Website Hosting
SEO Optimization
Mobile App
Competitors Analyzed
Keywords Analyzed
Custom art design
Lifetime relationship with client (call, sales process, meeting space, the actual work, and then launch support)
You go and be entrepreneur - My First Biz will handle the rest!

“However beautiful the strategy,
you should occasionally
look at the results.”
Winston Churchill